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a picture showing a man at a supermarket


Cem gives retail a go and gets kept on! Cem’s employment history has been working within the construction industry, something which he has done for most of his adult life, for over 30 years. He… “Cem”

a picture showing a man gardening

“Mr AP”

Mr AP is 28 years old and has lived in North Wales for around 6 years. He last worked 10 years ago at a garden centre in Wolverhampton. Mr AP has expressed that he has… “Mr AP”


Summary J has progressed from someone who struggled with speaking over the phone and didn’t feel ready for work, to a person who will speak over the phone for a significant length of time and… ‘J’

Mr. P

Summary Mr P was employed by the British Army from 1999 until 2008. When he left the Army Mr P went on to do Security work. Mr P has a number of physical health issues… Mr. P

Mr. L

Mr L was referred to Working Denbighshire by his job coach through Job Centre Plus due to being unemployed for a number of years. He was in the Army for four years however was medically… Mr. L


They say a man’s best friend is his dog and for C that’s certainly true. The 18-year-old animal lover has transformed her life thanks to a very special companion and help from Working Denbighshire. C,… ‘C’


B was referred into our service via CAMHS, looking for support to find work and build on his confidence. B had low confidence, had never worked and had been out of college for over a… ‘B’


Anna initially came into our service motivated to go into work and had been applying for roles with animals. However, after the first few meetings it became apparent there were a number of barriers in… ‘Anna’

‘Miss. M’

Miss M self-referred herself to Working Denbighshire as she was having a hard time finding work after being made redundant, after a conversation over the phone we identified her suitability for the Communities for Work… ‘Miss. M’