Case Study: Mrs Y
Y struggled with her personal life in school but managed to gain the qualifications to get onto a degree level course away from home, due to circumstances Y was not able to complete this and… Case Study: Mrs Y
Y struggled with her personal life in school but managed to gain the qualifications to get onto a degree level course away from home, due to circumstances Y was not able to complete this and… Case Study: Mrs Y
‘H’ is a single parent of two young children. She was allocated to C4W+ for support with helping her move towards employment. She also was keen to complete some training to help bolster her CV… Single Parent Secures Work in Health & Social Care Setting
‘Mr H’ arrived in the UK in August 2021 after having to leave his country of origin due to civil unrest. Mr H and his family settled in Denbighshire in December 2021. Mr H had… Refugee Secures Job with Local Food Business
Professional Ukrainian refugee receives Working Denbighshire support to access a 3 month Work Start Scheme Placement at a local Café. This is with the added value of ‘In Work Support’ provided by the Work Start… Ukrainian Refugee Receives Working Denbighshire Support
In the month of May, three events were arranged; The Cinema, a Detective Walk and The Welsh Mountain Zoo. The Cinema was chosen as it was an opportunity for participants to meet new people in… Project Ready Events, May 2022
Monday November 22nd saw Working Denbighshire host a Jobs Fair in Rhyl Town Hall. This was the first public engagement event that Working Denbighshire has not only attended, but hosted since before the Covid pandemic.… Working Denbighshire Jobs Fair at Rhyl Town Hall – Nov 2021
Working Denbighshire partnered up with 38 organisations and employers around the county offering a free networking event for individuals looking for work. More than one hundred people aged 16 and above attended the careers fair… Success for Council’s Working Denbighshire Careers Fair
J referred herself for support after being made redundant from a temporary role. She had little confidence with applying for jobs and was not getting through to shortlisting. With Working Denbighshire support she was able… Low Confidence and Redundancy to Qualification and Employment
The Job Centre put me in touch with Working Denbighshire. I spoke to a Working Denbighshire mentor via the phone with the goal of finding a job in the IT Sector. They quite quickly asked… Admin Support Officer Placement in Denbighshire County Council
I applied for a work placement with Denbighshire County Council to expand my workplace and interview confidence through practical application of relevant skills, gain administration experience with a large organisation and attain a larger pool… Administrator Placement in Denbighshire County Council