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Job Club

A series of short training courses to prepare you for finding and securing employment. Working Denbighshire, in partnership with Careers Wales, are offering Employability Support. These free sessions will be held in Rhyl Library from… Job Club

A picture showing 3 children eating


Fundamentally Working Denbighshire is about reducing poverty. We have data on household income and from this can work out the number of households with an income that this less than 60% of the median income.… Poverty

A picture showing people working on computers

Low Skilled Adults

The key indicator we have to show low skill levels in the adult population is the rate of adults with no qualifications. We would like to see: the rate reduce from its April 2018 level… Low Skilled Adults

Image showing a picture of the word GOALS

Goals and Data

The Working Denbighshire Strategy set out a logic of change model where inputs, outputs, outcomes and community level impacts are considered.  Any blog post categorised as ‘impacts’ is about our ambition in relation to the… Goals and Data