In the month of May, three events were arranged; The Cinema, a Detective Walk and The Welsh Mountain Zoo.
The Cinema was chosen as it was an opportunity for participants to meet new people in a low pressure environment. The cinema environment allowed participants to speak to new people, discuss common interests and build friendships, while not having the pressure of talking for long periods of time. Meeting new people in this way alleviated further anxious feelings of meeting new people and encouraged participants to attend further events and further Argoed course sessions.
The Detective Walk was chosen as it was a fun activity that allowed participants to work on many life skills, such as; determination, Time Keeping, teamwork, communication and problem solving. The activity was a success and participants communicated well between each other to solve each clue and they were successful in cracking the code! This increased the participant’s confidence and they felt a sense of achievement.
The Zoo was chosen as many participants expressed an interest in animals, and possibly considering animal related careers. The aim of the visit is to increase confidence using public transport as we will be using a train and a taxi service. The participants will be encouraged to communicate and support each other, and staff will encourage participants to speak to members of the staff at the zoo, to allow them to consider different career options.