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Admin Support Officer Placement in Denbighshire County Council

The Job Centre put me in touch with Working Denbighshire. I spoke to a Working Denbighshire mentor via the phone with the goal of finding a job in the IT Sector. They quite quickly asked if I was interested in applying for an Admin role through the Work Start Scheme. Naturally, I said I was interested in the role as I felt this was a good opportunity to get some vital work experience within an office environment.

With this being my first job in an office, there was a level of anxiety regarding starting a job, on top of this I started during a period where the UK was suffering upwards of ten thousand Coronavirus cases a day. I wasn’t just worried about the job itself but also the idea of being around other people. Throughout my time on placement I have been supported directly by my colleagues as well as my Work Start Placement Officer.

My colleagues have helped me to get to understand the role as well as how to operate within a team effectively, they’ve made me feel work ready. My Work Start Placement Officer has helped me to track my progression in the role as well as give me somebody I can talk to should I need to.

The brilliant thing about this Work Start role is that It’s helped to get me valuable work experience in order to get me ready for the next step in my career, which is exactly what I wanted from the role. I went to college to do IT and have since spent the last few years applying for roles in the IT sector. I had previously tended to get through the first interview and then after a second interview told that they liked me but sadly somebody had more experience. This role has put me into the office environment and allowed me to experience working in a team, and given me the confidence to know that I can achieve whatever I set my mind to. Towards the end of my placement I was invited to an Interview for an IT role and have successfully been offered the role following the second interview, which I credit to the Work Start Scheme for allowing me to get the experience I was looking for.

I would highly recommend people take advantage of the Work Start scheme as it allows you to develop yourself in a supportive and understanding environment. I truly believe this opportunity has been a positive experience that has helped me to increase my confidence and make me feel as though I’m back on track towards what I want to achieve.