B was referred into our service via CAMHS, looking for support to find work and build on his confidence. B had low confidence, had never worked and had been out of college for over a year. B engaged well with myself and due to persistence especially from B he secured himself a Christmas role at Tesco, he is thoroughly enjoying the work and the challenge of learning something new.
B was referred to ourselves from CAMHS due to his sister’s engagement with them and his mum advising he was finding it difficult to get him motivated to find work. B left college with a level 3 public services qualification however since finishing college over a year ago he has tried to apply for jobs but his anxiety took over when offered an interview. His family were always supportive and tried to help him find work but without success.
B came in for our first meeting with his mum, they were slightly unsure about what the project could offer but once I explained exactly how we could help they were enthusiastic. B had previously completed a C.V but he had not been keeping it up to date, so during the first couple of sessions we spent time updating his C.V and discussed what he would like to do. B was unsure but preferred the idea working in retail but was also open to apprenticeship opportunities. Once his C.V was up to date we started to focus on applying for positions.
We looked into a Work Start Scheme ICT role, however due to its location and difficult public transport access, B had ruled it out. We then looked at opportunities with North Wales Police as it complimented his knowledge from his Level 3 Public Services qualification, and hit the essential criteria. We spent some time applying for the Special Constable roles as well as an apprenticeship within the admin team but unfortunately he was unsuccessful for both positions.
We continued to apply for roles during our meetings and B was encouraged to keep applying at home. He was very proactive in trying to secure work but it was difficult to find opportunities available in the local area that were suitable for his skillset and lack of experience. B was realising how much time goes into each application form and was becoming frustrated. We spent over 2 months meeting on a weekly basis applying for everything that was available, and finally spotted an opportunity with Tesco as a Christmas customer assistant. B was invited for an interview, and revealed that he had been invited for an interview at Sainsbury’s the previous year but due to confidence and anxiety had not gone. After lots of preparation and encouragement, he felt confident that he could attend the interview and he would do well.
B’s feedback from his Tesco interview was fantastic, he went in confidently and asked lots of questions and found out he successfully secured the role. B was over the moon and excited but understandably nervous. After talking to his mum, she hadn’t realised how difficult it is to try and secure work for someone young. She was so proud of B and was thrilled with the support he had received to help him get this far.