ADTRAC, which is a part of Working Denbighshire, have set up the ‘Ontrack with ADTRAC’ drop-in sessions which will be held every Tuesday 2pm until 4pm at the HWB in Denbigh (Smithfield Road, Denbigh, LL16 3RG).

The sessions are aimed at ADTRAC participants, however anyone aged 16 to 24, who lives in Denbighshire and are not currently in education, employment or training are welcome to attend.
Each week computers are available to update CV’s or to look for work/opportunities. In addition to this, there will be a range of fun activities, taster sessions and we have guest speakers scheduled most weeks.
The sessions are fun and informal with refreshments available.
Come and join us for a brew and a chat to see how we can support you!
Please contact the ADTRAC team on the details below for more information