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Working Denbighshire celebrating Awareness Days

World Food Day
Wednesday 16th October 2019

As part of the focus on national awareness days in the UK, donations were made by the Working Denbighshire team to raise awareness of World Food Day which took place on Wednesday 16th October 2019.

The purpose of World Food Day is to bring awareness to how our changing planet affects food production and distribution, with a goal to eventually lead to building a ‘Zero Hunger Generation’.

It was decided to focus on this particular day as it coincides with the Working Denbighshire vision of tackling poverty within Denbighshire, which is the aim of all our projects. Every project has supported a participant with a food parcel at some point throughout their journey with us, so we thought it would be a good idea to donate food to the local foodbank.

Rhyl library is the drop off/collection point for Rhyl Foodbank on Sussex Street. Foodbanks also provide toiletries and hygiene products to those most in need. “Alongside the standard food parcel, we try to provide the following essential non-food items to adults and children in crisis, helping them maintain dignity and feel human again.

Staff donated food items such as cereals, UHT milk, tinned meats & vegetables as well as rice & pasta items. Nappies were also donated, along with dental hygeine products and toiletries.

For more information on World Food Day please see the below:

World Smile Day
Friday 4th October 2019

Working Denbighshire joined the celebration of World Smile Day on Friday 4th October 2019 with the theme for 2019 being “An Act of Kindness”.  Colleagues across the team were encouraged to perform acts of kindness throughout their day, however small, to spread cheer and happiness to those around them.

A stall was also placed at the entrance of Rhyl library in the morning for citizens to talk to staff about their week and tell them what had made them smile that day. In exchange, free dental healthcare kit consisting of toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss and mouth wash to promote dental hygiene and a healthy smile was offered to the citizens and those left over were kept aside to donate to the local foodbank in Rhyl.

Citizens passing through the library left sticky notes on the poster of small acts of kindness they had experienced throughout the week and were asked “What has made you smile today?”.

The morning proved popular with many people leaving light-hearted notes and was a good opportunity to have relaxed and friendly conversations with citizens from the Rhyl area, as well as providing a good laugh to others.

Some of our favourite statements that made the public smile have been highlighted below:  

“The first cup of tea in the morning”

“Going for a coffee with my friend”

“New job!”

“My husband messaged me this morning to tell me he loved me”

My Dog!”

For more information on World Smile Day, you can visit this website: