Denbigh and Flint Show, August 15th 2019
At this year’s Denbigh and Flint show, there was a real emphasis on Working Together amongst Denbighshire and Flintshire. This was signified with the ‘Working Together’ tent, where Working Denbighshire were joined by friends and colleagues from the Heritage, Tourism, AONB, Countryside service, Theatre Clwyd and CFW within both counties.
This communal feel was felt amongst all of the staff within the tent and the public. Working Denbighshire were keen to add a unique, modern and interactive experience for the visitors, so a PlayStation 4 Virtual Reality headset was set up, with visitors invited to try out a range of different games. This was a big hit, especially amongst the younger crowds!
Along with the VR setup, WD and Flintshire’s CFW team had information stands, where people were invited to find out more about the service, advice and support available to them or their loved ones. Tote bags with information leaflets, guidance, contact numbers and freebies were well received.
Matthew Jones, Public Relations and Communications Officer in Denbighshire and Delwyn Evans, Communication Media Advisor did a great job in building the team spirit within the tent and there was a constant hive of people dropping in.
The Working Denbighshire team enjoyed meeting a wide range of people, who shared their stories and thoughts across a wide range of topics.
Amongst some of those that were keen to find out more about the service were the Lord Lieutenant of Denbighshire, Help for Heroes representatives and other staff members who were sharing the tent with us.
The ‘Working Together’ stand was awarded the first prize in the trade stand competition for the day. Working Denbighshire are proud and privileged to have been able to have been a part of this and look forward to maintaining close working relations with tams across both Denbighshire and Flintshire!
- For more information on Working Denbighshire, please contact us via one of the following options:
- email:
- call: 01745 331438 / 07342 070635
- visit: