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Job Club

A series of short training courses to prepare you for finding and securing employment.

Working Denbighshire, in partnership with Careers Wales, are offering Employability Support.

These free sessions will be held in Rhyl Library from 10.30am to 12 noon.  Advisors will be available to offer practical support in searching and applying for jobs and training for anyone over the age of 16 years living in Denbighshire. 

Starting on 1st October, then every Tuesday you can get support with:

  • Finding some occupational focus, discovering your potential!
  • Creating an effective CV, how to sell yourself on paper
  • Being an effective Job seeker; discovering the benefits of using social media for job-searching,
  • Writing letters (or emails) of application that get you noticed
  • Completing application forms that show you meet the job requirements.
  • Preparing for an interview, feeling more confident.

Why not come along and see how we can help!

Meet some friendly faces and have a cuppa